over 6 months since my last post...how does that happen? What a whirlwind it's been! Since buying our house in March, we got a puppy, had our 1 yr anniversary (wow that flew by), celebrated my birthday, hubby's birthday, attended 3 weddings, and have 3 more to go! WHEW....
Somehow life got so busy that I forgot this blog existed. Hopefully going forward that will change as I've promised myself to post more. One major reason being that hubby got me a very nice professional camera for my birthday and I have vowed to learn how to use it and post some of my work. After lots of research on hubby's part he ended up choosing the Canon EOS Rebel T2i which so far I love! It's relatively light weight considering it's a "real" camera, easy to use (at least on the auto setting) and the quality of the pics are amazing! Here's a preview, but stay tuned for more!
Bailey the puma

Playing tourist in SF

My dad working hard in his yard

And finally our wedding site a year and half later