November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

These days holiday's always seem to make me reflect on life...past, present, and future. I'm very thankful for my amazing parents, my husband, other influential family, friends (esp close gf's here on the West Coast), and most importantly my health. Being 3000 mi away from my immediate family usually means that I don't get to spend it with them which I seem to always struggle with. Thanksgiving at my parents house brings back so many happy memories from growing up and now that I'm a Mrs., I realize that holidays probably will never be the same. Not in a bad way necessarily, but just different. The merging of two families (mine with the in laws) means being away from the traditions and memories you experienced as a family growing up and learning to adapt to new ones. I've being saying for the last 2 years since the engagement that the transition from "me to we" is one of the hardest phases of life for women, and one of the least talked about topics. The range of emotions I've gone through the last two days prove to me that I'm still going through that transition...6 months later. While I definitely feel more like a wife, I realize that I am still very much parents daughter. I wonder if that will ever end? That's it for now, off to celebrate the in laws traditions. Here's to attempting to make them my own! Missing all my east coast friends and family, gobble gobble. xoxo...

November 15, 2009


I'm on a roll so wanted to add one more post before heading to bed. I could make drinking wine while blogging a career btw! I haven't talked much about our actual wedding day yet and I will get there, but I came across the homily that our priest, Billy Shand gave on our wedding day so I wanted to post. I've known Billy since I was young and had expressed to him some of my marriage anxiety after getting engaged. Hearing this on our wedding day and then re-reading still makes me tear up.

May 16, 2009
Well, it has come to this. It was over a year ago that an email arrived from Sarah saying that she and Chris were engaged. Sarah wrote, “I’m still trying to get used to the idea of being engaged…” I hope that you’ve done that by now. In the same letter she said, “I’ve found myself focusing on what the idea of marriage means…” For the past year, I think you and Chris have been doing a lot of that, focusing on what this means. And let me tell you: As long as you live, I hope you will continue to do just that.
Marriage is an ancient institution. Its origins lie in the mist of history, and cannot be claimed as the exclusive institution of any religion or society. If we were to spend some time considering the history of this institution, we would find indeed a wide variety of interpretations and developments. Indeed, the two of you live in Northern California. As far as I know, that is part of the United States, but it is no exaggeration to say that things are, shall we say, a bit different there. I am surely not saying Maryland has everything in order, so don’t take offense. My point is just to suggest that the question you’ve been considering – “What the idea of marriage means” – is something the two of you will continue to ponder as long as you live, and I am so very happy you will.
An old bit of sentimental sugary sentiment held that marriages are made in heaven. They may be, but they are lived on earth – in places like Northern California or suburban Maryland or even I hear, South Carolina. Today you are promising to seek to establish a marriage that will bear certain characteristics: This is no longer just a relationship, it is a bond and covenant between the two of you. It can show the world the essence of the relationship between Christ and the Church by love which unites the two of you, by the comfort, honor, and faithfulness each gives to the other for as long as you live. Yours is a contract whose terms stipulate that you will work out what it means for any man and woman , and specifically the two of you, to have and hold one another from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health. And one more stipulation is that you will work on this every day for the rest of your lives. When you focus on what the idea of marriage means, don’t think just about ideas: Think about each other. You’re not marrying an idea: you, Sarah are marrying Chris, and you, Chris are marrying Sarah. All the wonderful ideas about marriage will come into focus as you live them out with each other.
And what about the rest of us? We are here for a very important reason. It is true, there is celebrating to be done, but that is not our more important role, and that is not why we are here. A moment ago, we made a promise to you in the presence of God and one another. That is a vow, and it is important. We said we would do all in our power to uphold you in this marriage. We want to hold you to account for things you promised one another – not that we are experts necessarily, but we heard you say you would try. We will hold you to that promise. And for our part, we will do that we can to uphold and encourage you in this wonderful bond and covenant that you enter today. That is our most important gift to you. We said it; we meant; and by the grace of god, we will make good on our promises too. God bless you both in every way. Amen.

Ten Questions to Ask A Man Before You Agree To Marry Him

A girlfriend sent me this hilarious article on the marriage topic from so wanted to post and comment on it. Although the author has added a tad bit of sarcasm (okay alot), he actually brings up some good questions that should definitely be discussed before taking the plunge.

After reading it, I had a realization that although my views of marriage (as commented above) are somewhat traditional, I have the complete opposite take when it comes to my views of the womans role in a marriage. Contradictory? Hubby attributes it to the fact that in my parents marriage, my mom did most of the cleaning, cooking, caretaking, and that my dad didn't really contribute much when it came to these "traditional" female tasks. And apparently after observing this dynamic growing up, I decided that was not for me! Don't get me wrong, I have great respect for my mom but also always felt she should've stood up to my dad more and make him help. So unfortunately for hubby he gets the remnants of this. :)

Maintaining the balance is always a bit of a sea saw act, but when it comes to taking care of the kids, the house, and cooking I expect my hubby to contribute and had certainly made that clear to him before we got married. Good thing I found someone that likes to cook!

November 03, 2009

"And God Created Gisele"

What does the word marriage mean to you? I never really thought about it until I got engaged and I still have trouble putting into a couple of sentences how I personally define the word.

When I read this article awhile back I found myself relating and have been meaning to comment on it. I've recently come across a few controversial and more negative articles about the marriage topic (which I will get to commenting on), but I thought Gisele's outlook, or at least how they quote her in this article, matches up pretty closely with my definition. Even our views on family and life in general match up pretty closely, which is surprising considering she is a supermodel.

One of the themes that I will touch on eventually regarding my personal journey through the engagement process is how closely related a persons upbringing is with how he/she views the marriage topic. Although it's a fact that has crossed my mind before, reading the article hit that point home even more. Gisele, similar to myself, grew up in a two parent home where family and other traditional values were stressed and hence why I was able to relate very easily to many of the quotes below.

"My idea of that is you have a partner who’s got your back. When I’m weak, you can be strong; when I’m strong, you can be weak. That’s what I believe marriage is. Loving someone, you want to grow with them, share with them, share the same values, the same feelings about things, the same beliefs.” With regards to family..."your family provides that; it gives you a sense of safety, and it’s a very grounding feeling. That’s why I feel I can fly away, because I have those roots and they’re so deep. This is what I want to have in my life. This is why you get married—you want to create those roots together; you want to give that to your kids."

Does this mean I am allowed to stalk Gisele and convince her we need to be friends? Hmm, personally, I'm not really apt to stalking famous people so will probably just stick to lusting over her husband on Sunday GameDay and hoping that someday I will run into him here in his hometown of San Mateo! :)