To Blog or Not to Blog....
that is the question?
So back in August being inspired by all my blogger friends I attempted to start one of my own. Well August turned into September, September into October...well you know where I am going with that one. Now it's January and as part of my New Year's "I want to better myself" resolution I've decided to really commit this time to documenting my thoughts, experiences, and the many entertaining and sometimes even embarrassing stories my friends and I somehow manage to live to tell. So cheers to 2006 and the start of my blogging experience!
So back in August being inspired by all my blogger friends I attempted to start one of my own. Well August turned into September, September into October...well you know where I am going with that one. Now it's January and as part of my New Year's "I want to better myself" resolution I've decided to really commit this time to documenting my thoughts, experiences, and the many entertaining and sometimes even embarrassing stories my friends and I somehow manage to live to tell. So cheers to 2006 and the start of my blogging experience!